When is a Softener not a Softener
Yet another device we removed that does not work. The plumber had put this on saying it would solve the customers hard water problems. Anyway 2 years later the boiler heat exchange was being changed again as it was blocked up with limescale.
We fitted one of our Hague 410 water softeners and the house has been scale free for several years now. Plus the customers are saving money on their cleaning materials, soap and shampoo and washing powder.
One Happy customer
If you want to know how a proper water softener works give us a call.
Had one of these leaflets?
If one of these came through your letterbox take a read all about the problems caused by hard water.
if you want free independent advice from a local company with a range of great products then give us a call.
Dorset Water Softeners
- Independent advice - not just one manufacture
- no salesmen
- local and family run- Wimborne
- great after sales
- loved by our customers
- sales, service and salt- award winning
Great Views Horrible Water
We find ourselves in Shaftesbury today working to solve customers hard water problems
Gold Hill - Shaftesbury
Blocked showers, ruined kettles and itch skin seem to be the norm around here.
Solve it all by fitting a water softener which saves money and means you can buy more Dorset Apple Cake.
Dorset Apple Cake- salt cellar Shaftesbury.
Great Views Horrible Water
We find ourselves in Shaftesbury today working to solve customers hard water problems
Gold Hill - Shaftesbury
Blocked showers, ruined kettles and itch skin seem to be the norm around here.
Solve it all by fitting a water softener which saves money and means you can buy more Dorset Apple Cake.
Dorset Apple Cake- salt cellar Shaftesbury.
Harvey Shop
Great news we finally have our Harvey shop within our showroom setup.
you can now end the confusion of minimax, twintec, crown, retail, kinetico etc.
Harvey shop
You can finally see Harveys full range of water softeners and get straight answers to all of your questions.
Don’t forget we also gave a fully Harvey trained service department.
Pop in and we would love to see you.
Independent Advice
We are a bit different than most other softener companies. Not because we like servicing and delivering salt but also because we sell a range of different makes and models.
Today was a good example a large family home with a new mains pressure system and multiple bathrooms we fitted a Hague
Hague Water softeners
Next an older couple that had room in the garage for our great little contract softener.
Contract softener -Clack
And lastly an outside replacement of a Twintec that had not been looked after we fitted one of our Harvey machines which we will be pleased to maintain and comes with a 10 year warranty
Harvey from Dorset Water Softeners
At Dorset Water Softeners you can be guaranteed great independent advice.
Great Customers
It is always great to catch up with customers when we deliver salt and undertake a service to keep their water softener clean and working at it’s very best.
As you can see Nigel here is few years older than last time we saw him and not so keen to help with the service. Very tired after a long walk.
Nigel the dog.
The customer in Christchurch has been very happy with soft water and very impressed with our after sales service including our salt delivery.
Service Callouts
As a company we will bend over backwards to try and help out customers
An emergency call from a new customer with water flooding parts of the garden.
Two hours later we had solved the problem.
My reward the most beautiful view across a pond of three stone ladies. That is my interpretation.
Harvey Dealer
A great visit from the managing director of Harvey water softeners and our area sales advisor.
They were very impressed with our new showroom and our water bar supplied them with a great selection of drinks to go with the cakes
We finished the visit by letting them have a blast in our new electric promo car
Big smiles all round.
Making people happy
One of those days check the back of the van out.
lots of Softeners to fit and salt to deliver across Dorset.
More homes and families getting rid of the the nuisance that is hard water.
Dorchester Water Softeners
Poundbury- queen mother square.
Been in Dorchester all day helping customers with independent advice on their water.
It is a very hard water area (300ppm) and that includes Poundbury.
Being a family run company that sells more than one make of water softener it allows us to offer great advice and service right across Dorset and Hampshire.
If you already have a water softener please give us a call for salt deliveries, water filter changes and the most important thing servicing your existing unit so that it is clean and efficient. No matter what the model or year give us a call and we will see what we can do for you.
Fitting Softeners in Canford Cliffs
A busy day but I managed to grab some time to get this great shot
canford cliffs
Living in Poole? You have incredibly hard water but as usual Dorset Water Softeners have a wide range of solutions. From small flats to large properties we can banish scale from your home and save you money.
Outside installs
This is one of our custom wooden boxes
Check out the short video.
Custom soft wood box
What a Year- 2016
It is nearly over but doing one more little job before finishing.
So what have we done? Well thanks to our amazing staff and great customers to use an americanism- ' we knocked it out of the park', more softeners installed and serviced than last year and twice as much salt. Thanks
The Remains of the Year
Here is the remains of our rubbish pile. You have to be really useless to end up here- normally Chinese or softeners that are not softeners.
Softener- not
What Next
So what does next year have to offer- the plan more staff, bigger office and happy customers. The reality- what ever we make it.
As a foot note I must warn you that salt might be going up in the new year. Not much do not panic. Just remember that a proper softener will always save you money.
have a great new year.
Order salt and our great washing powder
Smart Christmas
As we head towards the Christmas break I realised that our work clothes had taken a beating this year.
For the new year new clothes. Poloshirts, fleeces, jackets and hats.
We have added our Scum and Svale logo on that my son designed to remind people of the two great problems with Hard Water.