How Would You Turn Off Your Water In An Emergency?
Across the country plumbers have put house stop cocks in the most ridiculous places. Even if you know where it is chances are you will not be able to turn it unless you are Mr Universe.
The problem is that leaks happen, in fact 100's of millions of pounds of damage is dome in homes by water.
“1 in 3 people in the UK do not know where their stopcock is located!”
“Burst pipes and water leaks now cost the UK insurance industry more than claims for burglary or fire”
Its so simple with a surestop from dorset water softeners. Turn your water of with the push of a switch. Its that easy. Non-electric water powered and simple to operate.
non electric
easy access
completely save
fitted in about an hour
fitted from £125.00
the plan
Contact Dorset Water Softeners
Prices from £125.00 ( this covers nearly 80% of installs)
We will make an appointment to visit the site.
Our qualified plumber will survey the job and discuss the install.
If the survey finds the job to be more expensive the plumber will write it down.
We are completely happy if you decide you do not want the job done. REALLY.
If you agree the job is done, instructions are provided and payment is given.