Conferences and Awards
With several hundred Hague dealers from across the USA and many from around the world we are learning so much and with great speakers.
Plus the launch of an amazing new product The Hague Watermax Signature.
And then we won an award. Great team work.
Thank you Hague of America we are so lucky to be Dorsets Hague Water softener dealer and to be able to offer our customers this amazing range of machines.
Team Building in Arizona
Having a bit of fun with the best Hague team in Europe.
We are normally out with our customers dealing with their water problems such as hardness and chlorine which can all be sorted with a Hague Water Softener. Soft water and chlorine reduction.
But today we have taken to the trail in the desert on Segway’s .
But then we got hungry. Great Mexican inspired food.
Whats next.
Call Dorset Water Softeners if you are suffering from the effects of hard water, chlorine or any other water problems.
We arrived in phoenix
A bit different than grey old Dorset in February.
So a bit of team building before The Hague conference begins.
Getting The Best Water Softeners
It’s not all fun in our business sometimes we have to visit far flung lands and meet our suppliers. Today I am off to one of our favourites, Hague in the USA. An amazing company that make the most effecient range of softeners I know, super reliable and to great things to support their dealer network across the world.
Commercial Softeners
It is not just homes that suffer from hard water. September was very busy with us helping local business solve their hard water problems.
This customer cuts metal with water Nd it is really important that it is soft. The existing softener was massively undersized for a machine that is on 14 hours a day. They needed a proper solution.
We installed a Hague WaterMax one box for salt and the other containers the American made softener unit.
We managed to install it with the minimum of down time to the customer and they have the knowledge that we are qualified service engineers.
The Very Best
People often ask us on the phone what the best softener is and our reply is always when we have done a survey of your home we will be able to tell you. So many factors effect the final choice. Number of people, mains pressure static and dynamic, space, water condition, budget etc
If space is no problem then this beauty would take number one spot. High flow rates, amazing efficiency, the ability to treat many water problems at once, a big salt container and the best reliability.
I give you The Hague Watermax
Hague WaterMax
Independent Advice
We are a bit different than most other softener companies. Not because we like servicing and delivering salt but also because we sell a range of different makes and models.
Today was a good example a large family home with a new mains pressure system and multiple bathrooms we fitted a Hague
Hague Water softeners
Next an older couple that had room in the garage for our great little contract softener.
Contract softener -Clack
And lastly an outside replacement of a Twintec that had not been looked after we fitted one of our Harvey machines which we will be pleased to maintain and comes with a 10 year warranty
Harvey from Dorset Water Softeners
At Dorset Water Softeners you can be guaranteed great independent advice.
Fact of the Day
You are never to old to learn. One question I have had that got answered on our Hague Factory Tour was- why are the brine floats lots of different colour shades?
Well it turns out that Hague are so committed to the environment that any scrape plastic gets recycled into the floats hence the plethora colours and shades.
Check them out.
Float Valves
Always nice to try.
Old pipe work and
A rather sad old softener that the customer had taken out.
They only way forward was to cut out the shabby pipe work and start again.
All new and lagged plus our great super efficient Hague 410 water softener and all in the Beautiful New Forest.
What an amazing Trip
I had the privilege last week of being invited to Hague Water Softeners awards in Columbus Ohio USA.
What an amazing trip with a stop over in New York, then two days of great talks and a factory tour.
I learnt so much from the many Americans and other Europeans that attended.
But what made the trip even better was the great company of the UK distributors. Karl and Pete two guys who constantly made me laugh but at the same time were so generous with their time.
Cycling with these two up Broadway is a memory that will stay with me for ever. Thanks
Boris bikes in New York
Outside installs
This is one of our custom wooden boxes
Check out the short video.
Custom soft wood box
Wareham the start of the Purbecks
We had call from a new customer in Wareham, Dorset. They had moved to the area and had enough of our very hard water.
The first problem, who has hiden the stopcock? After much searching we found it. So a Hague watersoftener in a custom made outside box, a water filter tap and a push button stopcock later all of the customers hardwater problems were solved. Did I mention we also changed the ball valve in the water tank. Happy customer
Repair or replace that old waterside, culligan, mc250?
Have you got one of these?
This old thing was doing very little softening for the customer but was doing a great job leaking on the floor. The house has a 22mm water main and many bathrooms and it was important to the household that they had continuous high flow water through the day.
Enter the Hague
High flow soft water with the lowest running costs in the Industry.
Another happy customer in Parkstone as you can see. You know you want to rub is tummy
Large office block
A poole based housing trust recently contacted us to solve their scale problems in the office block they occupy.
Working closely with their design and maintence team we specified our amazing Hague watermax. This unit offered the best efficiencies we could find for them which was important not only from an environmental issue but also because the salt needed to be carried to the roof
Water softener for large water main.
This customer has just moved into his new home. It has a large water main and he has a growing family.
With this in mind we specified one of our Hague Maximizer designed from day one to work with a 28mm water main.
A lovely compact unit that is able to take block and tablet salt.
Call today for independent advice about water sofeners.
Let's get in Right
Recently while delivering salt to a new customer they asked us to look at their new water softener as they did not feel the house had much water flow.
Looking in the boiler room we found some beautiful plumbing that had all gone wrong when they had got to the water softener. A really large water main had been reduced down to fit in a small domestic unit. The customer had 5 bathrooms and gym and a small water softener that just was not suitable.
Two days latter we had fitted a suitably sized unit with all the correct plumbing. When i tested the system, water flow had increased significantly. Infact the tap in the utility area had been giving 7 lt/min and now was producing 16lt/min. Hooray.
The softener that we put in was a Hague Maximizer which can give 90 Lt/min with incredible efficiency.