Local, Independent and Proud

At Dorset Water Softeners we have been working hard over the last few years to offer our customers the best service possible. We think that being truly independent and being able give each customer the very best advice is the only way forward. This is reflected in our great range of water softeners.

Our customers obviously agree and that has meant our continuous growth. Elizabeth in the Office and Me and Dan the water softener man on the road doing calls, installs, servicing and repairs.

So great news we are now able to offer block salt water softener in a new and trendy case. Same top of the range internals but newer smoother case all made by Harveys water softeners in Woking for us. High flow rates, low water consumption, no electric and a great 10 year warranty.

Check it Out.----

harvey-minmax-kinetico-twintec-what is it

So if you are looking for a water softener and are confused by the various models available come and get some free, independent, friendly advice.

paul webb
Just a guy who loves my business and my family. Whoops probably best the other way around.

Great evening


Poole- the sky is grey